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Friday Night Lights 5 Stand Tournament

Longmeadow Clays Club
Friday, June 14th, 2019

This will be a head-to-head, single elimination tournament

Only 32 Shooters will be accepted (Two 16 man brackets)

Initial bracket seeding will be done via “Call Outs” and remainder will be drawn in.

1st Place = $1,000
2nd Place = $600
3rd Place = $400
Cost: $100/Shooter

Registration: 5:30pm

Call Outs & Draw Ins: 6:30pm

Prompt Shoot Start: 7pm

Side games available throughout the evening

Food & Beverages, including adult beverages, will be available for purchase. (Cash Only Please)

Consumption of alcohol prior to shooting is strictly prohibited!

Register today by phone or email!

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