30 07, 2015

Sexiest Bridesmaid Dresses

By |2015-07-30T06:11:55-06:00July 30th, 2015|Sexiest Wedding Dresses|

At Longmeadow Event Center, we love to make your special day even more amazing. We've played around with some of the ugliest bridesmaid dresses, but we must be honest that they're no true companion for the sexy wedding dress of your dreams. To compliment your sexy wedding dress, lingerie, and [...]

21 05, 2015

Ugliest Bridesmaid Dresses

By |2015-05-21T17:15:40-06:00May 21st, 2015|Sexiest Wedding Dresses|

We at Longmeadow Event Center wish everything to be perfect and beautiful for your special day. But let's be real; there is some ugliness to discuss: the dreaded ugly bridesmaid's dress. Definitely there are cases of a dress just being out-of-date now when looking at your mom's or aunt's wedding, [...]

25 03, 2015

Sexy Wedding Lingerie

By |2015-03-25T14:35:53-06:00March 25th, 2015|Sexiest Wedding Dresses, Weddings|

You bought a dress for the rehearsal dinner, you bought a wedding dress, now you have one more wardrobe change to complete. Nothing pairs better with a Sexy Wedding Dress than sexy wedding lingerie. Whether you have a sweet and sultry side or you’re an alluring seductress or anywhere in [...]

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