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NSCA Veterans 100 + 100

Honor those who have served this great country by busting some clays!

Join us at Longmeadow Clays Club on
Saturday, November 18th, 2023


Shoot Guidelines:

  • Registration:
    • Online at Score Chaser
    • In person at the club
    • Or by phone or email at 970-371-4623 or heath@longmeadoweventcenter.com
  • 8:30am registration, 10:00am Shoot Start
  • Pick-up Score Cards at Lodge
  • All score cards must be submitted by 4:00pm
  • Can start anywhere on the course you like and, if shooting both the 100 and 5 stand, you can shoot the courses in whatever order you like

Cost: (Pay online or in-club)

  • Main Event = $73
  • Second 100 = $60

Register today on Score Chaser, in-person at the club, or by phone or email!

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