We had a very successful second annual celebration of agriculture – Diggin’ Wiggins Days, scheduled for March 28 and 29, 2014. We are excited to have partnered with the local Wiggins FFA Chapter, who celebrated their 75th anniversary!
We followed a similar format as last year with kickoff activities scheduled for Friday, March 28. The kick off activities included a tractorcade/parade in Wiggins, supper with the FFA at the Wiggins High School, and the TNT Dunk Squad finished the evening with explosively entertaining stunts! Vendor booths were set up at the Longmeadow Event Center on Saturday, March 29 along with Beer Garden and Play Land and Games from 9 am – 3 pm. A variety of activities were available throughout the day including various demonstrations, activities for kids, trap shoot, and poker tournament. A popular attraction was the Bellendir’s Blind Man Polaris Drive organized by the Wiggins FFA. Saturday night concluded with free dinner and entertainment by the very talented international headlining ventriloquist, Marc Rubben.
Your sponsorships were much appreciated, and we encourage you to participate again. We’re hoping for a bigger turnout next year! We have several levels of participation and sponsorship. We’ve added a stronger online presence this year to our promotional options. The website and facebook pages are live. Be sure to Like Us and visit often for great info about our festivities.
For next year’s Diggin’ Wiggins celebration, look for the registration form to come. By Feb 2015, you should be able to register online. You will also be able to register for Diggin’ Wiggins Days by returning the registration form to digginwiggins@gmail.com, mailing to Diggin Wiggins, c/o Longmeadow Event Center, 8604 County Road 6, Wiggins, CO 80654, or dropping your registration off to Trish Crites at Country Hardware in Wiggins.
We booked Marc Rubben for Diggin Wiggins
Marc is an international headliner who combines ventriloquism with stand-up comedy.
We appreciate your interest in Diggin’ Wiggins Days, and if you have any questions, suggestions for next year, or would like to serve on the planning committee, please contact any of the current committee members.
The Diggin’ Wiggins Days Planning Committee
Heath Stencel, Chairperson 970-371-4623
Trish Crites 970-381-9147
Ron Graff 970-768-3941
Darlene Ruyle 970-380-7817
Rockie Ernst 970-768-4170