We at Longmeadow Event Center wish everything to be perfect and beautiful for your special day. But let’s be real; there is some ugliness to discuss: the dreaded ugly bridesmaid’s dress. Definitely there are cases of a dress just being out-of-date now when looking at your mom’s or aunt’s wedding, but then there are dresses that weren’t even pretty in their day. Browse through some of our favorites of the ugliest bridesmaid dresses for a good laugh.
Because what else could a bride be thinking when she chooses these?
Bright, springtime colors can’t even make this dress look fun. Awkwardly placed bows and pickups definitely don’t add sex appeal. At least you’d be ready for a flood in this dress.
Gypsy wedding aside, aren’t bras supposed to go under clothes? Maybe she just figured her bra was pretty enough to show off. It’s not 🙁
This might be appropriate for a 4th of July wedding; nah maybe not even if you’re marrying Captain America. This is only a dress you’d see in ‘Murica.
We know you’re not supposed to compete with the bride in white, but this is okay, right? Probably not. The awkward poofs and tulle hint at a mermaid costume. At least you’d be ready for a beach wedding in the matching flip flops.
Orange seems to be the favorite color here: dresses, flowers, tans… Is that a poof or a train?
Not only is this an 80’s monstrosity, but it embodies the excess of the 80’s. There’s a lot of fabric, a lot of shine, a LOT of ruffles, and of course the power sleeves. Wow!
Just because it’s created by Dior doesn’t mean it’s beautiful. At least it shows a total commitment to how utterly scary it is. An otherwise fine color is taken to horrifying extremes with the eyeshadow and gloves. The shilouette can only be described as that of the Michelin Man.
Wow! No one should love sock monkeys that much. Maybe this was your dream dress at age 7, but this should not have been made in an adult size.
What’s worse than an 80’s monstrosity? An ill-fitting 80’s monstrosity. No one really expects to look good in any of these ugliest bridesmaid dresses, but at least it can fit you. Maybe someone got cut from the roster at the last minute, and she’s just a pinch hitter.
What are the two most dreaded words for a bridesmaid? THEME WEDDING! Who would’ve thought hoop skirts are still available? These ladies may pass out from heatstroke, but at least they’re committed friends.
How much tulle is too much? Way less than this! Unless you’re going to a muppets’ wedding, this itchy explosion of color is just silly. But at least she’s wearing matching leggings.
So, what do you do if you’re presented with one of the ugliest bridesmaid dresses? Try not to crush a vision of your bride since, after all, you’re there because you care about her. But hey, maybe you can suggest a super fun bachelorette party like paint ball in those ugliest bridesmaid dresses.